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RFPs/RFQs - Request For Proposals/Qualifications


Requests for Qualifications
Seeking Consultant to provide Professional Forestry Services

Office Issued: August 6, 2024
Submission Deadline: August 30, 2024 at NOON (PST)

The Glenn County Resource Conservation District (Glenn County RCD) is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or consulting firms to provide professional forestry services for an upcoming project(s) in the Mendocino National Forest. The selected consultant will be Glenn County RCD’s formal representative when providing comprehensive professional forestry services, including drafting, formalizing and distributing Forest Management Plans, designing post-fire recovery prescriptions on non-industrial private lands in the wildfire footprints of 2018-2020, composing fully compliant California Environmental Quality Act  (CEQA) documents, assisting Glenn County RCD in future project designs, conducting archeological, botany, wildlife, geology, and hydrology surveys and monitoring plantings.

Projects that Glenn County RCD may assign to the successful consultant include, but are not limited to:

  • Glenn County Small Landowner Forest Improvement Program
  • Corbin Creek Watershed Restoration - August Complex
  • Future project designs

Click here for full RFQ!

Deadline for receiving questions in writing – August 16, 2024

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart-Belding, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on August 19, 2024.
N/A - No questions received


Contractor to provide Arundo donax Treatment & Herbicide Application - Upper Stony Creek

Office Issued: August 30, 2023
Mandatory On-site Visit: September 6, 2023
Submission Deadline: September 11, 2023, at NOON (PST)

The Upper Stony Creek Arundo Project (Project) is located within Upper Stony Creek in western Glenn County, California. The Project site is portions of Upper Stony Creek channel where Arundo donax has been identified, from the Colusa County line north to the Stony Gorge Reservoir. Glenn County RCD has existing maps of the Arundo donax stands in the Project area as the entire Project site is located on private lands and not easily accessible.

The Upper Stony Creek Arundo Project is an invasive weed treatment Project of approximately 70 Arundo donax stands located in Upper Stony Creek. Treatment may encompass hand cut and pile, or something similar and herbicide application for the identified Arundo donax stands. Maintenance for the Project consists of herbicide application for approximately three (3) years (September 2023 – June 2025). When completed the Project will improve wildfire resiliency in western Glenn County as well as improve overall watershed health.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF with Map)
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)

Mandatory On-site Visit – September 6, 2023, at 10:30 AM - [location-email or call (530) 624-1640 to receive directions]
Gives potential contractor opportunity to view project site and ask questions; attendance is a requirement for contractors to submit a proposal.

Deadline for receiving all other questions in writing – September 7, 2023

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988



Contractor to provide 86 Miles Of Roadside Fuel Breaks

Office Issued: May 30, 2023
Questions Due: June 6, 2023
Submission Deadline: June 9, 2023, at NOON (PST)

Located west of Interstate 5 and east of Mendocino National Forest, in unincorporated Glenn County. The site is located approximately 1.5 hours north of Sacramento, west of I-5, and sits on the western side of the Sacramento Valley. Portions of USGS 7.5’ Quadrangle Maps: Paskenta, Elk Creek, Stonyford and Fruto. 

The Glenn County Highway 162 and County Road 306 Fuel Breaks (Project) is located along State Route / Highway 162 and County Road 306.

This Project will be 100% in the CAL TRANS and County of Glenn right-of-way areas and will establish a pair of fuel breaks along the main thorough-fairs, on both sides, of Highway 162 and County Road 306 to keep hazardous fuels down. The 86 miles in length fuel breaks are designed to prevent wildfire ignitions thus reducing the number of wildfires and greenhouse gas emissions, while reducing the threat of wildfires to people, structures, and communities in Glenn County.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF with Map)
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)
Click here for Public Records Access


Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on June 7, 2023.
Click here to view! (PDF)


Contractor to provide Mechanical Fuels Treatment on 40 Acres in Fuels Reduction Project

Office Issued: May 30, 2023
Questions Due: June 6, 2023
Submission Deadline: June 9, 2023, at NOON (PST)

Located west of Interstate 5 and east of Mendocino National Forest, in unincorporated Glenn County. The Project site is located approximately 1.5 hours north of Sacramento, west of I-5, and sits on the western side of the Sacramento Valley. The entire Project site is located on private lands in a remote and not easily accessible area.

In a 45-Day Report to Governor Gavin Newsom in response to Executive Order N-05-19, CAL FIRE systematically identified 35 high priority fuels reduction projects and other measures to immediately begin to protect over 200 of California's most wildfire-vulnerable communities and put the state on a path toward long-term wildfire prevention and forest health. One of those high priority fuels reduction projects is:  Elk Creek Fuel Break Fuels Reduction Project (Project).

This RFP is for only one part of the larger 840 acre Project site. The Project will be mechanical treatment to an estimated 40 acres of heavy brush area on private lands.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF with Map)
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)
Click here for Public Records Access


Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on June 7, 2023.
Click here to view! (PDF)


Contractor to provide Herbicide Application For 340 Acres and Mechanical Fuels Treatment For 350 Acre Fuels Reduction Project

Office Issued: May 23, 2023
Mandatory On-site Visit: June 5, 2023
Submission Deadline: June 9, 2023, at NOON (PST)

Located west of the Sacramento River and east of State Route 45 in unincorporated Glenn County. The site is located approximately 1.5 hours north of Sacramento, east of I-5, and sits on the western side of the Sacramento Valley. Portions of, USGS 7.5’ Quadrangle Maps: Hamilton City, Llano Seco, Princeton and Butte City.

Under this RFP, Glenn County Resource Conservation District is seeking proposals to enhance the Sacramento River Corridor Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project (Project) through herbicide application on a ~340 acre treatment area as well as provide added fire prevention through mastication woody vegetation treatment on ~350 acres. This additional acreage was unknown at the time of original Project development; 350 acres mastication woody treatment will occur where needed, starting from each previously treated 35-foot edge creating a mosaic pattern.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF no Map) 
Click here for full RFP! (PDF with Map)
Click here for Map Only! (PDF)
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)
Click here for Public Records Access

Mandatory On-site Visit – June 5, 2023, at 9:00 AM - Packer Island Wildlife Refuge
Click here for more information! (PDF)
Gives potential contractor opportunity to view project site and ask questions; attendance is a requirement for contractors to submit a proposal.

Deadline for receiving all other questions in writing – June 6, 2023

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on June 7, 2023.
N/A - No questions received


Contractor to provide Mechanical Fuels Treatment For 340 Acre Fuels Reduction Project

Office Issued: January 26, 2023
On-site Visit: Tuesday, February 7 @ 11:30 AM - Packer Island Wildlife Refuge, North of Princeton – South of CA/SR 162 – West of Sacramento River [39°26’20”N 122°00’40”W]
Click here for information form (PDF)

Questions Due: February 10, 2023
Submission Deadline: February 22, 2023, at NOON (PST)

Located west of the Sacramento River and east of State Route 45 in unincorporated Glenn County. The site is located approximately 1.5 hours north of Sacramento, east of I-5, and sits on the western side of the Sacramento Valley. Portions of, USGS 7.5’ Quadrangle Maps: Hamilton City, Llano Seco, Princeton and Butte City.

The Project will create fuel breaks on approximately 340 acres or a little over 56 miles in total by treating dense woody vegetation surrounding public access areas, structures and property boundaries using mastication vegetative treatment prescription.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF) *See below for Responses to all Questions
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)
Click here for Addendum #1 (PDF)
Click here for Public Records Access

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on February 15, 2023.
Click here to view! (PDF)


Contractor to provide Fuels Treatment For Fuels Reduction Project:
Mechanical Treatment 100 Acres
Manual Treatment 21 Acres
Herbicide (spot) 121 Acres 

May contain: grassland, field, outdoors, grass, plant, nature, slope, and tree

Office Issued: April 7, 2022
Questions Due: April 15, 2022
Submission Deadline:  May 10, 2022, at NOON (PST)
Addendum #1: May 12, 2022

Located east of the unincorporated community of Elk Creek, The Stony Gorge Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project (Project) is a 121-acre fuels reduction project in a critical location in western Glenn County, California. The Project will address the risk of wildfire, reduce wildfire potential, and increase community resiliency. The Project consists of vegetation clearance in critical locations to reduce wildfire intensity, rate of spread and will create a fuel break in a strategic location above Elk Creek. Practices include a combination of mechanical thinning and manual / hand thinning (121 acres) of hazardous fuels. Reduction of fuel loading around critical infrastructure to the town of Elk Creek will maintain continuity of government and other critical services, including, but not limited to fire, power, water, and roads.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF)
Click here for Addendum #1 (PDF)
Click here for Notice of Intent to Award (PDF)

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on April 20, 2022.
Click here to view! (PDF)


Contractor to provide Mechanical Fuels Treatment
For 637 Acre Fuel Reduction Project 

Office Issued: June 19, 2020
Questions Due: June 26, 2020
Submission Deadline:  July 6, 2020 at NOON

Located in the US Mendocino National Forest, the Smokey Project is a land management project comprising 7,059 acres of fuel treatments and prescribed fire to create healthy forest stands and a wildfire resilient landscape. This Request For Proposals is solely for one component of the Smokey Project which consists of a one time 637 acres mechanical thinning treatment.

Click here for full RFP! (PDF)

All questions should be in writing and addressed to:

Glenn County Resource Conservation District
Attention: Kandi Manhart, Executive Officer
132 N. Enright Avenue, Suite C, Willows, CA 95988


>> Responses to all Questions received will be posted here on June 30, 2020. 
Click here to view!